Homework Reminder and an Addition
Homework Reminder
Due: This Friday, 1/29/10
Final Draft of the Hamburger Essay.
This assignment needs to be typed in the proper format:
~Font size 12
~Times New Roman
~Black Ink
~Double Spaced
Attach your rough draft to the back of your final draft so you can hand in both together. (All of the rough drafts that were submitted were handed back Friday, 1/22/10).
**Details about this essay can be found in a previous blog posting.
In Class Project
Culture Fair Posters need to be completed by the end of Thursday. You may want to look up facts and images that can be used on your poster at home and then bring them in. (We are limited to only one classroom computer, so please do not rely on this as your primary research resource.)
These posters are worth one quiz grade.